Relatively inexpensive (cover + 3 inserts = $30). That's three diaper changes for the cost of 1.5 pocket diapers.
Super-quick diaper changes. Unless the cover is soiled or pretty wet, I just leave the cover under my baby's bum while I quickly switch out the wet insert for the dry one. It takes me twice as long to change a disposable diaper than to change a Flip insert.

Flap in cover: The front and rear flaps effectively hold the insert in place.
Very little laundry: Using this system makes little laundry, which equates to using less water, less detergent, and less drying space. I love it!
Microfiber Inserts: I'm not a fan of microfiber, especially when microfiber is used alone. I've started having more leaks with my heavy wetter at 14 months. (I know other moms that have never had this problem with Flip.) I sometimes place one of my own bamboo inserts beneath the microfiber to help with absorption. The microfiber is great at sucking up moisture quickly, but doesn't do as well at holding it in upon compression. Bamboo is better with this. Flip should replace the inner microfiber layers of their inserts with layers of bamboo.
I have a stash of 3 covers and 15 inserts that get my son through the majority of two days during the daytime. 5 inserts are Flip brand. The other 10 are a Flip version I made myself by taking a generic microfiber insert and sewing a piece of suede cloth on top to protect my baby's bum. The microfiber can never touch the baby's skin, or else it will pull moisture out of the skin.
In summary, this has been my favorite system. Although my son wets through the microfiber inserts quickly now, I will continue using the system and adding my own bamboo inserts for extra absorbtion. I love the ease of the covers too much to give them up for another system!
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