The Diaper Cover
There are a wide-range of diaper covers, and this is where you get to have some fun and pick cute patterns. The key element all diaper covers have in common is that they are water proof (using a fabric called PUL) on their outer-most layer. Many covers consist of only one layer of PUL, and these are intended to be used with an AI2 system, prefolds, or fitted diapers. Because a child's urine would rather cling to the ultra-absorbent fabric inside the cover rather than the water-repellent PUL, these covers can be reused multiple times without holding wetness or a smell. Other diaper covers (such as covers used in the popular pocket diapers) have a layer of suede cloth inside, which means they must be washed after each use. Most brands carry their diapers with either snaps or hook and loop (Velcro). Most have single leg gussets, but some brands (such as Best Bottom, Blueberry, Thirsties) have double leg gussets to further protect against leaks. You can see the double leg gussets in the Thirsties cover
Other popular brands include: Bumkins, Bummis, Flip, and Kushies.

The prefold can be tri-folded to resemble an insert, or it can be folded as our mother's did. Trifolding is the quicker option; however, some find there to be less leaking (of both urine and breastfed baby poo) when using the traditional fold. If you are going to use prefold for trifolding, the OsoCozy Better Fit (pictured to the right, on top) are the best; they are shorter and fit better in the diaper than any other prefold (as demonstrated above). For traditional folding, I was happy with my experience using OsoCozy Unbleached Prefolds and Snappis. Confused as to how to do the traditional fold? Check out this video on Youtube for a quick demo.
A great, leak-free, blow-out free system...if you don't mind putting two diapers on your baby at every diaper change. Fitted diapers are essentially a plush, super-soft, fleece diaper contained within a diaper cover. A major down-side is that most brands have a size 1 and a size 2, requiring you to buy double the products to get you through to potty training. I myself have not used fitted diapers, as the initial investment has scared me away. However, I have friends that love them, and their favorite brand is Kissaluvs. Other popular fitted brands include: BabyKicks, Bumkins (pictured above), Thirsties, and Mother-Ease.

Some brands (such as Best Bottom - see demo on right) make their inserts to snap into their covers. Other brands (such as Flip, pictured above) have flaps in front and in back of the diaper cover to keep the insert from moving around. My super-active 14 month-old has never had a problem with his inserts moving out of place in either style.
You can also make the AI2 into a hybrid system by using the same diaper covers with disposable inserts. gDiapers, Bumkins, GroVia, and Flip make their own disposable inserts.


I have listed above the most popular diaper brands. However, there are hundreds - maybe thousands - of diapers being made by SAHM's (Stay at Home Moms). is a great place to find homemade products.
What is your favorite type of diaper? Where do you buy your diapers?
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